Thursday, May 21, 2009

Far West Open Accelerated Dragon-Maroczy Bind

This win got me to Board one in the final round of a big tournament recently. I was happy with my results from the Far West Open since I hadn't played any rated games in six months. This game was against a chap named Robert Rettenmaier. I played the White pieces and we got into a Hyper Accelerated Dragon. I choose to play the Maroczy Bind and we developed very naturally until the Queen came out to a5 and I began working on Nd5 tactics.

Needless to say he fell into the trap and I was able to win the ending. Although I gave back many chances for equality and missed a five move pattern which picks off a rook. It was still a good win for me and gave me confidence that i could win my section in the evening!


  1. Chris, if you want a larger board for easier viewing uncheck "horizontal layout" and set the height to 500, and it will look like the one I posted recently. It took me awhile to figure it out, the first time I used it it had the small board like you've got on this post.

    Great to see you played well in the tournament.

  2. After a quick scan only one improvement namely 23. Bc5! instead of the played Bh6.

  3. Chesstiger: You're absolutely right. Bc5 is crushing.

  4. This was a very tuff game. The 1st time i had faced the Macozy-bind. I blonder on move 15 d5. for the life of me i over looked knight takes d5. i think it was even up untill this point of the game.
    Robert Rettenmaier

  5. This was a tough game! It was pretty even until then, I agree.
